Sorry Macguba, but I have to correct you here:
You can indeen camCreate the objects without the EU.
Actually you cannot. The EU uses .p3d files that are already included with OFP, but it gives them configs that they never had. Basically, there are a bunch of 3D object files that are included in OFP, but are not coded to be used as in-game objects. The editor upgrade does just that, but keep in mind, there are other ways that those 3D files could be configured. Consequently, you cannot use those objects without the EU.
Girt's Resistance Object Patch (search the ed depot for it), on the other hand, works a little different. See, with resistance, there are many 3d files that ARE configured to work as objects, but are HIDDEN from the editor's view, for whatever reason. His very clever addon will simply unhide those objects for the editor. In THAT case, other people playing a mission made like that WON"T need the addon in order to play the missions.
I looked through the config for CWC and found a number of pre-resistance objects that were also hidden from the editor in this way. For example, all of the houses. However, I wasn't able to mimic Girt's approach, for some reason, and make an addon allowing the editor to use them. Unfortunately, the types of objects you are looking for aren't in Girt's patch or hidden in the CWC config, but I would still suggest you check out Girt's addon.
I used to not like using the EU either, but once you start using it, you realize that you can add a bunch of other objects for scenery, and then you just can't stop. It's a vicious cycle.