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Author Topic: alright  (Read 3596 times)

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« Reply #15 on: 20 Dec 2004, 21:54:31 »
i was hoping the script could very flexible for editing, so yes sort of on everyone.

or create 3 types possibly, rifleman, machine gunner, and specialty unit (mortarman, missile solder etc)

and i always move the skill level of everyone down to take away form some accuracy

just think, you could grab new 'packs' of ammo out of vehicles with this possibly, think of the possibilities

Lean Bear

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« Reply #16 on: 21 Dec 2004, 13:18:04 »
were do u get that addon?

Try on the main news page of ofp.info

Offline Baddo

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« Reply #17 on: 21 Dec 2004, 14:21:22 »

I must say that my point of view comes from a different army than the US, and maybe that's the reason I am saying 300 rounds and over is too much.

If you give a soldier loads of ammo and other stuff, he/she will not be able to move fast, right?


Obviously the army where I served concentrates more on fast and flexible moving tactics (we have to do so because we have a small army and relatively large country).

If I had those, let's say 12 magazines plus the other stuff like anti-tank mines (10-20 kg each, could be 2 with me), hand grenades and the backpack, I could barely walk with that load. I will need the mines, so what do I drop? The magazines, of course.

And I think the US soldiers agree on this. There's ammo trucks with you because they are ment to do the hard job of getting those rounds to the battle field.

That's the point I'm trying to show to you. It's better to let the men run fast than slow them down with unnecessary amount of ammunition.

Offline 456820

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« Reply #18 on: 21 Dec 2004, 20:46:59 »
but everything the soldier carries is necesary (eg.bag carry things in. Spade. dig in. etc.)
  but the things ofp goes in to is usually like assaults raids there no survival in the game but still they should be able to carry more mags but as "dmakatra sed the m16's are so acurate." so yes more mags arent needed and the way the army is trained means they can sprint like 200metres with all that kit on well that might be the speacial forces (eg S.A.S or the Seals depending wether your british or american.) so an average soldier should be able to sprint 80 - 100 metre with all that kit or they wont pass the training therfore not getting into the army

Offline 456820

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« Reply #19 on: 21 Dec 2004, 20:50:08 »
and also is there posibly a script to icrease the tactical awreness eg the stance. tabbing and the way they hold there guns or would that need to be an addon?


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« Reply #20 on: 22 Dec 2004, 02:09:56 »
baddo you keep twisting everything [no offense], I never intended that one guy carries everything imaginable, thats why you have yes the ammo trucks and the hmmvs and the bradleys...yes.

I really just intended this to be suitable for more bullets. For someone who plays OFP and builds missions like me, where you can't just take everything slow and hit everything in 3 shots...thats why I suggested this.

Offline Blip

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« Reply #21 on: 22 Dec 2004, 06:15:51 »

Try this link.


It's a script I wrote to allow a player to carry multiple rifles, but I use it mainly has a back pack.  Its pretty self explanatory and easy to use.  You basically have access to an ammo crate at all times without any addons.


Blip  :joystick:

p.s. I don't know about modern warfare, but special forces, SEALs and other spec ops in Nam definitely carried 10-12 mags.  The MG alone would carry 800-1000 rounds.  I was shocked at first but the books I have read about guys who were there, all say the same thing.  They carried lots of chips and beer.  :cheers:  (Just my 2 cents)

Offline Baddo

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« Reply #22 on: 23 Jan 2005, 17:21:24 »
Equipment and Organization of a Finnish Jaeger Platoon:


This reference shows that war time Finnish Jaeger Platoon members have a RK 62 assault rifle + 6 30 round magazines with them. So that would sum up to 180 rounds.

The question is really about what kind of tactics the army uses. Finnish Defence Forces used a lot of guerilla tactics in WW II with a good success, standing up against an enemy with superior resources. Read the following article and you'll get a good idea of what kind of tactics were used (and will be used again if needed):


I see a big difference in how the US Army operates and how the Finnish Defence Forces operate. We don't have gigantic resources so we have to keep the soldiers moving fast between far away locations so they can make fast counter attacks. It's the only way we can survive. And moving fast means travel light.

I can easily believe that the US Army has a lot more equipment and ammunition with them than our Defence Forces has. But they will move slower as a result.

No, I don't want war to happen if someone thinks so.


Offline AirCav

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« Reply #23 on: 24 Jan 2005, 01:18:27 »
Ok, i'll pipe up here.  

If your asking what is standard ARMY loadout?  It's 7 innitial issue magazines.  The reality is you can carry whatever you want.  In Iraq, my Squadron has gotten away from the carbon copy sorority house look and gave soldiers alot of leeway to customize their personal loads.  As a result, no two soldiers carry the exact same thing.  I know guys that load up with 12 magazines plus another load carrior of 24 203 rounds and a side arm (no grenades).  Granted, their BIG guys.  Thats  the beauty of the IBA.  It can be customized any number of ways.  Additionally, most of the fighting in my area is conducted while mounted, allowing for additional loads.  So really, you can't go wrong with loadouts if your trying to replicate the modern, deployed Army.  Prior to the war, standard was 7 magazines.  Six on your person and one in the weapon.

As far as the Finnish Army goes, no idea.  Though I went to school with one of your aviation Battalion commanders.  Sharp guy.  


Offline Baddo

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« Reply #24 on: 24 Jan 2005, 11:46:44 »
Interesting, interesting...

Yeah, I was talking about standard loadout.


Hmmm... what I really ment with my first comment on this thread, 'Not a good idea, especially if you are after realism.', I meant that it is not a good idea to automatically reload a soldiers loadout.

That's not realistic. And I still wonder what are the missions like if you really need so much rounds...? It's what makes OFP so good: out of ammo, take an enemy's weapon and use it or find an ammo box or truck. A lot of excitement is lost if we use 'automatic' anything.

But no offense people, no offense.



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« Reply #25 on: 24 Jan 2005, 18:22:53 »
just to add:

i tried to make such script for cmo's m99 sniper because 10rounds are not enough if you want to survive more than 1 russian squad.

i didn't work very well, but I'm going to give it a try once again.
my idea was to have 4 cartridges in the inventary of the sniper and if these for have been fired, he'd get out another for from somewhere else.

anybody got an idea how to realise that?