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Author Topic: AI reaction time  (Read 513 times)

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Offline penguinman

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AI reaction time
« on: 20 Jan 2005, 07:20:56 »
the AI reaction time is horrible,

if u set some AI on safe and set a bomb off next to them they will stand there for like 2 seconds, then pull there gun off there back, then slowly inch twords the ground

so the total AI time from bomb detonation to them hitting the deck is about 3-4 seconds.

this is horrible, same thing when u shoot at them.

is there a way to make a script to fix this

that is the main reason a human can get the best of an AI any day, even if he isnt on safe mode.

u just hide behind somthing the AI stands there looking for u(dosent actualy turn his head or anything.) then u side step out from cover in full view and realise u forgot to reload ur gun. u forget to step back in cover and reload where u stand. meanwhile the AI finaly notices u and turns and aims at u, u finish reloading and then get ur gun back up in posisition, the AI has perfect aim on u but continues to wait for about 3/4ths of a second, in the mean time you get ur crosshair on his head and kill him before he even fires a shot, all before he even gets a chance to shoot at you. and if he does manage to shoot before u, even at 100yds you r the one to die because of his perfect aim, so why cant he

1. locate
in the same time as a normal human can.

he does all 3 steps in about 1 and 3/4ths of a second.

you can do all 3 in about .5 of a second if your fast.

ok so maby u dont have time to reload but he is still pretty retardedly slow.

now my question:

is there a script that can fix this?



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Re:AI reaction time
« Reply #1 on: 20 Jan 2005, 20:32:56 »
Gen. Barron did something with the game config that made the AI have better senses, seeing, hearing, smelling :D ;)...

I forgot where he did that though. :P

Otherwise I could recommend any/all AI info/intelligence scripts in the ed depot.

Lastly I would like a script that makes AI use cover, but I fear it'll never be made. Other than that urban ai script, but it has it's limits. :'(