You can do it by editing the init_XXX.sqs in the SNYSptpack file.
I've made it for example for French Army units (in init_extraction.sqs):
; INDEX => 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
_res_mission_one_puma = ["1 x Puma",1,0,[35,40],["OFrP_Puma_Tgun"],false,60,[]]
_res_mission_one_puma_rappel = ["1 x Puma",1,0,[35,40],["OFrP_Puma_T_trl"],false,60,[getMarkerPos "rappel_point","RAPPEL"]]
Of course, I've modified de local variables (to resistance side, if you want to do this, do forget to harmonize all the local variables in all the scripts). But you have only to replace the standard chopper by your addon ("OFrP_Puma_Tgun"). And it works.
You can also define your own operation name (here "Puma").
I hope I answered to your question.