wow, to that i'm afraid all i can say is...NO
make a trigger covering the map
activated by your enemies present
on activation:nomore = false; {_x addeventhandler ["killed",{[_this select 1,player(or name of unit)] exec "MaxPayne.sqs"}]}; player(same one as in EH) addaction ["Don't slo-mo no more!!! AAAHHHH!!!!!","nomoreLSDforyou.sqs"]
_killer = _this select 0
_unit = _this select 1
?(!_killer == _unit):exit
;obviously change the hints to what you want
hint "What a rush! LSD is slowing everyone down....."
_acc = .99
?_acc <= 0:goto "coolit"
setAccTime _acc
_acc = _acc - .01
goto "loop-de-doo"
_acc = .01
?_acc >= 1:hint "All over, you gotta kill again to move slow some more";exit
setAccTime _acc
_acc = _acc + .01
goto "loop-de-loop"
_unit = _this select 0
_action = _this select 2
removeaction _action
_unit addaction ["Gimme doze pills man! I wanna move slow!","LSDforme.sqs"]
nomore = true
_unit = _this select 0
_action = _this select 2
removeaction _action
_unit addaction ["Don't slo-mo no more!!! AAAAHHHH!!!!!","nomoreLSDforyou.sqs"]
nomore = false
that should do it. save each of these(except the trigger (duh)) as the script i called them (else you'll have to go back and change them in each script where i added the actions) and fix up the hint as you want them