In my mission I need to make a player trigger a script and then display a TitleText to all the players.
This is how I have solved it.
TextMsg=""; PublicVariable "TextMsg"
>all are running this script and declare a public varible.
A player trigger a script through the action menu
TextMsg= format["Airstrike in %1 sec!", _Count]; publicVariable "TextMsg"
>This change the text from "" to "Air…"
all clients is runing the script ShowMsg.sqs, it is started from the init.sqs
TitleText [TextMsg,"PLAIN DOWN"]
GoTo "Loop"
>This should wait until the varible TextMsg is set to a sting and then display the text.
…but it don't work. When you play it on the server, the text shows to the player that activated it, but not to the rest. I have no idea how to make it work, but I am not so experienced in scripting (or scripting for multiplayer for that matter
if you would like to see the mission and have a look at the script you can download it through the link.