switching groups might work, but it would take time for the information to "settle", you'd get two-way bleed, and you'd have to deal with someone trying to reform.
Reveal has its limitations (knowsabout decays according to range. Reveal sets knowsabout to 1. At long ranges, units "forget" about revealed units almost instantly.
still, I have a rune for you:
" ""detector"" + _x + "" = []"" Foreach [0]" Foreach ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4"]; instruction1 = " ""format ["" detector%1 = detector%1 + %2"", (""observer knowsabout _x"" count [_x]) - ((""observer knowsabout _x"" count [_x]) mod 1), _x]"" Foreach [_x]"" Foreach list detecttrigger"; instruction2 = " ""commander reveal _x"" ForEach (detector1 + detector2 + detector3 + detector4 + [Observer])"; "_X foreach [0]" Foreach [instruction1, instruction2]
Hold on, there are some bugs. I'll fix it up and post back.