For #2 There's a good script for blowing up a convoy truck that is activated like triggerhappy's code, but done in the init.sqs - this may cause more lag, I don't know if there's any diff between starting it in the init and in a trigger, maybe better. It works because Ii had fun playing with it. This is the code to put in an init.sqs file (the first script initiated when game starts, can be just a text file saved as "init.sqs"
@(getdammage ammotruck>0.02)
[ammotruck] exec "bigammoexplosionwg.sqs"
The script is:
;// Ammo Explosion Script
;// by Rubble_Maker,
;// shortened by Rocket (for anti-lag)
_obj= _this select 0
_pos=getpos _obj
?getdammage _obj>=1:goto "skip_foreplay"
_BOOM = "mortarshell" camCreate (getpos _obj)
_obj setdammage 1
;// now the crap hits the fan. Growing explosions plus more and more rockets...
_c1= _interval
_total_cycles= 0
_c1= _c1 - 1
?_c1==0:_interval=_interval-10; _c1=_interval;_BOOM = (_rndproj select (random 5)) camCreate (getpos _obj);_total_cycles=_total_cycles+1
?_total_cycles<5:goto "l1"
;// Pop some big explosions with increasing intensity
_pos=(getpos _obj)
_BOOM = "barrel1" camCreate [(_pos select 0),(_pos select 1),0]
_BOOM = (_rndproj select (random 5)) camCreate _pos
?random 5>4:_BOOM = "HEAT120" camCreate _pos
?_c>0:goto "bigexplosions"
?random 2>1:_BOOM = "mortarshell" camCreate (getpos _obj)
~random 1
?_intensity<20:goto "l2"
_BOOM = "LaserGuidedBomb" camCreate (getpos _obj)
I can't find the orig script but am pretty sure it's on OFPEC under scripts. .It has more particles and flares and doohickies, but I didn't think necessary, it's a fine explosion as it is. Just makea truck called "ammotruck" (or change the name in init and script)
#1 - Boolean just means True/False. So you could do this:
Trig 1 ONActivation: go=true
Trig 2 OnActivation: go =true
WayPoint: CONDITION: go
You wouldn't need to synch or group, just let the variable do the job: when either trigger is tripped it makes the variable "go" active ("true"), and that is the condition for the waypoint. I do this alot to hold a group until an event happens. Synching is good too, but multiple works well this way.
v 1.46 - You can download upgrades up to 1.96, but I think you need Res to bridge the 1.46-1.75 gap.