Hi to all!
Maybe some of you know that i (we) am working on a WW2 mod called Invasion of Holland.
I am experimenting with the German(Para's) Fallschirmjager of Atstwalkers and a Junkers 52.
I have a paradrop script.
What is the idea?
Like in "real" the Fallschirmjagers jumped without weapons.
And put in the INIT-line
removeallweapons this; Unitsname moveincargo JU52;they jumpt out when the Ju52 past a trigger with the paradrop script.
Land and the Idea is that they take weapons of the drop-conatiners and move on to the objectives.
Here we go.....
http://www.ofpec.com/forum/index.php?topic=5836.0i don't get this working
And i am looking for a "Ammo" paradrop script.. that a Ju52 drops ammo containers.
I need some scripts and triggers to get this working
- a trigger which checks if the unit(s) are on ground and no more in the parachute
- a script which makes the unit move towards the crate(s) and take the weapon/ammo out of it
Who can help me?