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Author Topic: Does anyone know of an East equivalent to the UH60-MG?  (Read 1791 times)

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Hi there,

1st off, sorry if I chose the wrong forum. Didn't really seem to belong in "Ideas" either.

I'm making a MP mission on Waterman's excellent Skye and I need something to fill the role for the East that the UH60-MG fills for the West.
I need it to carry some troops but I'd like it to be armed with no more than an MG (or 2, just no explosives) for the sake of balance.

I've looked through the main sites and couldn't find anything appropriate (sooooo many west units, where's the east kit?) so I wondered whether someone may have an eminently suitable addon stashed away that everyone's overlooked (a long shot I know but I'm desperate! ;) ).

My thanks in advance. I look forward to posting my (first) mission for your appraisal, hopefully with relevant Russian hardware in place. :)


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Re:Does anyone know of an East equivalent to the UH60-MG?
« Reply #1 on: 25 Sep 2002, 03:40:22 »
well..............the russians use teh Mi8/17 for spetsnaz/vdv....insertions...(most of the time they parachute from a low altitude (50meters+))....so..i dont think they have something equivalent to the Uh60....... :-\


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Re:Does anyone know of an East equivalent to the UH60-MG?
« Reply #2 on: 25 Sep 2002, 16:27:06 »
Damn, that's what I was afraid of. I could use an ammo-less 17 I guess but it'd seem a little strange.

Perhaps a post-it note in the cockpit:

FAO: Russian pilot.
Please don't use your rockets as it's not fair.

Many thanks,


Ferret Fangs

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Re:Does anyone know of an East equivalent to the UH60-MG?
« Reply #3 on: 26 Sep 2002, 00:54:59 »
Don't lose all hope yet...
I believe what you need is a Ka-29 - Helix B;
as seen here: http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/russia/ka-29.htm

Now, the trick will be to get a modeler to make one for you,
but this is a very heavily used design, so I'd expect SOMEONE, to get around to making it soon.


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Re:Does anyone know of an East equivalent to the UH60-MG?
« Reply #4 on: 26 Sep 2002, 01:07:32 »
Why not try writeing it in to the Int Field write
removeallweapons this; this addmagazine "Browning"; this addweapon "Browning";
this get's into mission editing, but I thing an Mi17 with out the Missiles would be a very good addon.
you'll still see the Rocket Pods but they cant use'em  ;)
but the AI may not fire the Mgun. but hey thats okay, less things for the Infantry to worry about, Right?  ;D


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Re:Does anyone know of an East equivalent to the UH60-MG?
« Reply #5 on: 26 Sep 2002, 13:39:53 »
That's the sort of thing I'm after Ferret, room for a few troops but a varient with no rockets. All I need now is someone to make it!

I hadn't considered your option there Punker and will give it a go. It'd look a little odd ("Sorry Commrade, we can't afford any FFARs so we slung a .50 under the cockpit." :D ) but at least it'd have something. It doesn't matter about the AI issue, it'll be an empty unit for human players to ferry troops to the front line with if they choose to travel by air.

Thanks for the help guys.


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Re:Does anyone know of an East equivalent to the UH60-MG?
« Reply #6 on: 27 Sep 2002, 17:32:25 »
Yes there is. Usually armed with a 12,7mm (.50") machinegun or AGS-17 grenade launcher. This is nothing new, even the heavily armed versions carry either one of these.


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Re:Does anyone know of an East equivalent to the UH60-MG?
« Reply #7 on: 01 Oct 2002, 02:30:42 »
The Mi-6 HIP was commonly used as a transport in Afghanistan in 1985. It had a door-mounted .50 cal. Of course, the Soviets prefered to use Mi-17s and Mi-24s because they were much more powerful and also carried troops.

If you want to see the HIP in action, rent the movie "The Beast" which is a movie about the Afghan War.
« Last Edit: 01 Oct 2002, 02:32:33 by paloma »