The new ECP trailer looks pretty cool and finally somebody has done somehing to the water explosion effects :cheers:
BUTT??? It still seems that its done "too fast" because: when the trailers helo fires at the PBR and hits the water, i cant help feeling WERY worried and a bit pissed off, because it didnt look realistic!!! real FFAR- misile hits would blow the water at least 3-4 times higher!!!
The diameter of the animation is ok, but just too f..ckn low. Maby the density is allso a bit too thick. Looks moore like deep snow than water with too little sprays...
If grenade hits on water look like that, then i wonder are the bullet hit animations any better??
Sorry about the critics but thats how it is
I know ECP can do better than that ;D
Finally i tried out the snypirs spt pack, and that is fantastic. recommend it to yall. The artillery has somekinda bullet/shrapnell system in explosions. wery cool :cheers:+ JAM2 + BAS ROCKS ;D :cheers: ;D
I cant wait for the new ECP release, I really hope they could fix the water animations....
next i will try the new FDF MOD updated version....