my script works like this :
you have a civil thats cald civ1
init.sqs :
civ1 addEventHandler ["killed",{[_this select 1] exec "jail.sqs"}]
jail.sqs :
_killer = _this select 0
hint format [ "ATTENTION!\n%1 has killed a civilian! He will go to Jail for his crime!",(name _killer)]
?_killer==player:titlecut ["","BLACK OUT",3]
removeallweapons _killer
_killer setpos (getpos jail)
?_killer==player:titlecut ["","BLACK IN",3]
But the problem is. With the player that has the server it works fine. But with the other player there's no black out
or black in, no RemoveAllWeapons and no hint.
dos anny 1 know what the problem is ?
and help me out