Here's another suggestion Lead.....since I'm good at trigs and wpts, I might as well share with you this method...well, you can have e.g Radio Alpha for the airstrike, firstly, if you make a trig for Radio Alpha, Alpha will be available to you throughout your game....since you want it to activate at certain times, have a condition for it, for example, if you want any1 of your members dead be4 you are given the green could have that trig grouped to your squad(which is you, if you are the leader) and you'll notice there is a little change on the Activation line, Instead of "West","East","Anybody" and bla bla'll have, "Whole Group","Group Leader","Any one of your member" and something else. Choose "Any one of your member" and change the mode to "Not Present" and you're done...just remember to add in the necessary airstrike codes on the "On Activation" line (whatever that is...). You'll notice that, during play time, you can radio 0-0-1 (Alpha), but nothing will happen, the radio would not launch or can be accesed until one of your members died........well, I haven't tried this out yet, but I've tried it with my many missions concerning radio calls but I didn't think of doing an airstrike script, I only did it for bringing in reinforcements and stuff, but I'm 99% sure that my theory will work out...good luck and good editing, see ya.