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15b77b00# NOIDlnb_houseJust like that. Doesn't really mean anything to me 'cept that there is probably an error or something.
_unit = _this select 1_house = nearestBuilding _unit_house setObjectTexture [0,"blah blah"]
...mapSize=11; Â Â Â Â Â Â cost=0; Â Â Â Â Â Â armor=2000;Â Â Â Â Â Â ladders[]={{"start","end"}};Â Â Â Â Â Â hiddenSelections[]={"Side"};Â Â Â };};
i think this is your problem mate.
_LNB_House = _this select 0_LNB_House setObjectTexture [0,"\LNB_House\LNB_Paint1.paa"]
""fred [#]= _this select 0" Error: reserved variable in use//or something like that
Leave it out, just use:fred setObjectTexture [0,"\LNB_House\LNB_Paint1.paa"]
Actually, I seem to recall that the texture file can only be a certain size, can't remember what though.
Isn't it 32x32?
Another thing..........Maybe your texture is being mapped to your building, but, you can't see it because the plane it is mapped to is behind the wall plane.Maybe you have to make your plane the one that is on top