OMG this is so cool.. add this to the player's init and try it out!!!!:
removeallweapons this ; this addweapon "heat125" ; this addmagazine "heat125" ; this addweapon "shell125" ; this addmagazine "shell125" ; this addweapon "vulcancannon" ; this addmagazine "vulcancannon" ; this addweapon "mavericklauncher" ; this addmagazine "mavericklauncher" ; this addweapon "hellfirelauncher" ; this addmagazine "hellfirelauncher" ; this addweapon "ZuniLauncher38" ; this addmagazine "ZuniLauncher38" ; this addmagazine "ZuniLauncher38" ; this addmagazine "ZuniLauncher38" ; this addweapon "Rocket57x192" ; this addmagazine "Rocket57x192" ; this addmagazine "Rocket57x64" ; this addweapon "Rocket57x64"
Especially the this 1:
this addweapon "Rocket57x192" ; this addmagazine "Rocket57x192"
Its the best 1 of all.. You start with 192x 57mm rockets fully loaded !.. some could create a nice "tank" battle with these things.. and with tank I mean soldiers having missiles and rockets... You even got a vulcan cannon.. Sorry if these things were already known but its so fun