1)first, in your description.ext file, put:
respawn = 4
respawndelay = 5
unit addeventhandler ["killed",{[unit] exec "setrespawnman.sqs"}]
_unit = _this select 0
_type = format ["%1",typeof _unit]
_grp = group _unit
[_unit] join grpnull
_spawnUnit = _type createunit [getmarkerpos "spawnpoint",group _unit,"removeallweapons this"]
[_spawnUnit] join _grp
what that does, is forces the player to become the spawned unit, then rejoin his group, but you need the respawn setting in your description.ext
you've been asking a lot of questions lately... it seems to me that you would be better off learning some of the basics especially before trying an rpg version of flashpoint, which requires some heavy scripting.... just an opinion.
In fact, i don't even think i'm a good enough scripter to do that by myself, at least if i want it to be good....