i thought of a way to make AI cars, tanks, and anything else with wheels purposly atempt to hit an enemy Man.
it uses set velocity and set dir
make a 15 m radius around the vehicle u want.
any enemy man class unit detected in that radius will make the vehicle face the direction of the enemy unit. using faceDirection or somthing. then the vehicle will be ordered, using domove to go to the enemy man. right when the vehicle gets close enough to the man that it would be stopping due to collision avoidence give it a quick set velocity in increments in the dir its facing, maby
car setVelocity 3
car setVelocity 6
car setvelocity 9
car setVelocity 12
car setVelocity 15
car setVelocity 18
car setVelocity 21
car setVelocity 25
that would make it get a speed boost with out being able to even avoid him, and then well, no more enemy man. but ud have to add a part that cancels all that if the driver is killed.
i would script it my self but, I cant script to save my life.