I am sure if know how but maybe ill try to make such a mission after I finsihed my new role-playing mission that im soon adding to the beta test place.. It is possible to make anything invurnable.. You would make a script that runs if the unitname dies and you make it say unitname setdammage 0 3 times to ensure it is totally alife. But you can only run these kind of missions using this script in MP otherwise you see yourself alife in the "end" menu. And you could make another script that says that if a so-called zombie comes 1-1000 meters to the car that makes the other script end and set the dammage of the unit to 1.. These scripts are shown below altough im just a beginner scripter.. And by the way all the triggers that activate these scripts need highlight the whole area the player might be driving to or driving passed. I hope it gives somone an idea:
_unitname = _this select 0
_unitname setdammage 0
_unitname setdammage 0
_unitname setdammage 0
(im better at scripting than shown above but this extremely simple script works as well so ive chosen this )
and in the trigger:
Condition: not (alive unitname)
On Activation: [unitname] exec "respawn.sqs"
and here is the script that enables the zombies to kill you, altough its maybe a bit wrong someone could fix it:
_zombiename = _this select 0
_unitname = _this select 1
;so on as much zombies you got e.g. 10 zombies
unitname setdammage 1;<<<name of the driving unit
"HEAT120" camcreate GetPos unitname
"SHELL120" camcreate GetPos unitname
"maverick" camcreate GetPos target unitname
"VulcanCannon" camcreate GetPos unitname
hint "ha, ha, your dead!"
and inside the trigger that activates this script:
Condition: (unitname distance zombie1 <3)
On Activation: [zombiename,unitname] exec "zombieattack.sqs"
this only makes 1 zombie make this happen but you can just make lots of triggers. I can not explain but if you want me to I will.. This post shouldnt be made too long
And 1 more script that prevents the zombies from killing you when you drive over the civillians and how they get created. But firstly you need to set a unit named zombie somewhere hidden away from you.. e.g. the other side of the island while there is a civillian named e.g. civillian1 that you will drive over so the zombie gets transferred to that place. And you will also need a game logic beside the zombie or atleast away from the player where the dead civillian will be transferred to named "zombieplace" or something like thatIf you dont understand me and are not a real good scripter I can explain it 2x as simpler but that will make this post too long so I can only explain it sepperatly. the script:
_civillianname = _this select 0
_zombiename = _this select 1
_zombieplace = _this select 2
_zombiename setpos (getpos _civillianname)
; im not sure if this ;works but the 100% sure way is eh... lost... I need to ;searh for it in my ofp mission list first... just try this!
~0.1 _civillianname setpos (_zombieplace)
;this does %100 work for game logics so this 1 is truely right!
and in the trigger:
Condition: not (alive civillianname)
[civillianname,zombiename,zombieplace] exec "zombietransfer.sqs"
this is not the best way of explaining it but it should give somebody else an idea how to make the scripts.. to make the zombies follow the car is something else.. I dont know how to make the script for following.. There should be an addon called armstrong's suiciders and it has in it a script for making ai follow you and explode at a specific distance while it follows you.. try finding how to make something like this in this addon's script.. It contains 2 example mission.. pretty nice script made by somone! Ill try to make this "carmagedon" mission as soon as I complete my other cool mission but I cant promise anything!