Dam, terribly sorry bout that, accidently left 6 or so guys from the original mission on there that are Arctic- sheet sheet
Heres the mission minus them, should be rid of all addon stuff now
I spent quite some time trying to figure the best way to deal with the 'vehicle' bug thing, which seems to an extent will still exist, so I decided to use a hint format to remind players to exit and enter vehicles when they leave a 'Grudge' town, only, that wasnt really enough. So, went thro and narrowed down exactly when the 'bug' is most likely to occur and set up the script to make the hint format show only when conditions are ideal for the 'bug'.
Only thing is that its certainly added a good bit to the script, and I do intend to try increasing time on Delays and adding some more where I can. Any help in 'refining' this would be great. I have done some testing of the new additions for the hint and so far it works great, but it prolly could be better refined.
Also u will prolly notice a hint format comes up that says when player has boarded vehicle, just a temp hint format that is.
This is my first attempt at adding some ofp script to something this complex and gettting it to actually work, neat stuff, but times taking.
As I stated earlier, u can drive thro those 2 square markers to get side and rating status, watch what it shows when u drive thro one after gettting in the vehicle as enemy and leaving the town. lol almost didnt make sense till I realized its the ofp program, not the script.
Of course, there is also a problem with running res over, it dosent show as your kills, but I got a workaround for that, basically restricted or no driving in town centers with triggers, should be pretty easy.
_center = _this select 0
_radius = _this select 1
_town = _this select 2
_Grudge = false
_NoPrevGrudge = true
_PlayerEnteredInVehicle = false
_playerboardsvehicle = false
_RatingChange = 0
?player distance _center <= _radius:goto "checkFriendlyKills"
goto "checkIn"
?(vehicle player != player):_PlayerEnteredInVehicle = true
?_Grudge:_NoPrevGrudge = false;goto "LowRating"
_EntryRating = rating player
?rating player != _EntryRating:_RatingChange = (_EntryRating - (rating player))
?rating player < _EntryRating:_Grudge = true; goto "LowRating"
?player distance _center > _radius:goto "CheckIn"
goto "CheckRatingDrop"
player addrating -100000
_WhileInRatingCheck = (rating player)
?(vehicle player != player) && _NoPrevGrudge:_playerboardsvehicle = true;hint format ["playerboardsvehicle is true"]
?player distance _center > _radius:player addrating _RatingChange;goto "vehicleBugFix"
?rating player != (_EntryRating - _RatingChange):_RatingChange = (_EntryRating - (rating player))
?rating player != _WhileInRatingCheck:_NoPrevGrudge = true
?(vehicle player == player) && _PlayerEnteredInVehicle && _Grudge:_NoPrevGrudge = true
goto "WhileIn"
?(vehicle player != player) && _playerboardsvehicle: hint format ["Your vehicle is likely rogue status, Disembark then board vehicle to regain nuetral status", player]
_playerboardsvehicle = false;_NoPrevGrudge = true;
goto "checkIn"
will be around