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Author Topic: SHADOWS!!!  (Read 1408 times)

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« on: 30 Nov 2004, 08:26:19 »
I've created the model, have the code in the config, works great in game....untill i look at the shadow!!! The muzzle flash is visible in the shadow even when the gun isn't firing!?!? how do i get rid of this...what have i done wrong??

I've searched the forums, but cant find anything....


Offline oyman

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« Reply #1 on: 30 Nov 2004, 20:00:13 »
do you have a CFG models part in the config?


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« Reply #2 on: 01 Dec 2004, 09:39:49 »
yep...heres the cfg code:

class CfgPatches
   class meh_akm   

      weapons[] =
      units[] = {};
      requiredVersion = 1.91;
      requiredAddons[]= {};


class CfgModels
   class Default{};
   class Weapon: Default{};
   class mehakm: Weapon{};

class CfgRecoils
   akmR[]= {0.0165,0.030,0.018, 0.042,0,-0.00095, 0.003,0,-0.00095, 0.0045,0,0};
   akmFullR[]= {0.0350,0.018,0.018, 0.042,0,-0.00095, 0.003,0,-0.00095, 0.0045,0,0};
class CfgAmmo
   class Default {};
   class BulletSingle : Default{};
   class BulletBurst: BulletSingle {};
   class BulletFullAuto: BulletBurst {};
   class akm_Single_Bulletr: BulletSingle


      cost = 2.1;   
   class akm_Auto_Bulletr:  BulletFullAuto


      cost = 2.1;   

class CfgWeapons
   class Default {};
   class MGun : Default {};
   class Riffle : MGun {};
   class meh_akmmag : riffle
         displayNameMagazine="AK74m Mag";
         shortNameMagazine="AK74m Mag";
         class Single
      class FullAuto

   class meh_akm : meh_akmmag
      weaponType = WeaponSlotPrimary;

its really strange....i dont know how to get rid of it??


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« Reply #3 on: 01 Dec 2004, 12:49:56 »
Select the muzzle flash part of the model.

Press 'E'

Make sure the box that says "Enable Shadow" is NOT checked.

Save, and enjoy.


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« Reply #4 on: 01 Dec 2004, 13:53:58 »
Thanks!! Can't belive i missed that ;)

now i have another problem.....i took a copy of the working model now and added a scope...now the new model works in the game but has no shadow at all!!!  ???  


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« Reply #5 on: 02 Dec 2004, 10:49:13 »
The model probably has too many faces.

The shadow will only display if you have a low-detail LoD with fewer than ~350 polys, and more than that and it will not display a shadow.