Just got in yer message there, um, before I even test that, take a look at this, cause this seemed to fix it perfect .
Took the script line:
?player distance _center > _radius:player addrating 100000;player addrating _RatingChange;goto "checkIn"
and removed: player addrating 100000
Works perfect so far, returns rating to proper previous entry rating every time leaving the radius, and returning to town of course then works, the grudge variable seems to work fine.
Let me ask, in the case of more than one player being in a town and say all of them commit a kill, the script should execute for each one of them on their puters and should do fine with handling it all, correct? Just askin cause its something I really cant test alone, so it will have to be a 'given' till beta testing way down the road.
I will start testing with multiple towns to make sure whole picture here is sound, but I think this thing is a wrap.
Hopefully when I extract this script from the test mission to the real mission im workin on it dosent cause any noticable lag.
If Sui dosent come up with anything better and all the testing is finished I would like to see this thing up as a script addon in the editors depot as Triggerhappys script, so other people can use it, as long as that would be fine with u Triggerhappy, or u can put it up, whatever on that.
Thanks man, I know you put ALOT of time and hard work into that.