glad to hear ur still with me on this lol
You want something to happen to a player if they enter a trigger twice and their rating is below -2000?
What do you want to happen to them?
anytime the players leave the trigger, their rating is set back to normal. So, by making the town(s) they killed in a reference to each appropriate player, when they try to come back to those towns the trigger checks if the variable (badfactiontown0) refers to that player, and hence the trigger trips again and his rating is reduced to -100000 for the duration of his pleasant stay in the town. My only concern is, can u reference a variable to more than one player? (like badfactiontown0)
and heres an overall overview:
there will be like 10 towns on the map
all of these towns will be res, freindly
There will be say 9 players: all players ratings will be just above rogue satus
Say a player walks into the radius of a town trigger- same trigger u made
Of course, the checks start working, seeing if that player goes below -2000 rating (kills a freindly) within the radius of the trigger at THAT TOWN.- alike town0
before I continue, suppose not just one player enters 1 town, but 3 or 4. Like i said, gotta be sure that trigger is gonna respond to any, or all of them if they commit a kill and go below -2000.
Now. If one of them does commit the act, goes -2000, within that trigger, a variable is set to that player, the variable contains the Town(badfactiontown0)
So, if a player gets that variable set to him for that town (badfactiontown0), it means if he comes back to that town the trigger will check if any player has the 'badfactiontown0' referencing them, that check seperated from the -2000 rating check by || (or). So either one will execute the script. And lastly in the script it will always set that player to -100000 rating.
So u see, the whole point to checking to see if players go to -2000 in a town is to make that town hate that player, or players for good. Any time they try to come back after that, the trigger trips with the 'badfactiontown' variable set to them and the res will hate em every time.
Only thing left aside from this is a de-activator for setting the players rating back to normal if they leave the radius of the trigger.
hope ya get it
basically about towns holding a grudge against players that kill in their town.
Might just have to make this 'function' here availiable for download as a script addon if it finally works, at least then other people that might want to use it can and Id feel better about all u guys have done for me thus far.