We got it fine tuned enough to detect specific limbs...right leg, left leg, right arm, left arm, torso, and head. The rest would have been more down to "rolling the dice" as you put it, to determine exactly what type of wound was caused.
But we also mixed in the ammount of damage into it....so a shot to the leg that caused little damage would have most likely come out as a flesh wound, but a shot that caused alot of damage would most likely be interpreted as a burst artery.
Compared to the current "your either alive or dead" and virtually no inbetween system, much better.
Am i right in thinking you were anti a wound system in the thread about the system we were making? thats why you refer to it as a "gore script" if i also remember correctly you systematically ignored every effort from several different people to describe just how it added alot of aspects to the game....
......things like having to attend to the wounded, having to prioritise casualties, having to choose the correct course of medic action, would have absolutely been possible and absolutely enhanced the medic side of the game.
BTW, under our system, the really stupid "you can be one moment from death, but a medic can instantly heal you back to perfect health" would have disappeared. Instead, casulties either were stabilised (ie thier health didnt change), slowed down (ie, they now had hours to live rather than minutes), or...if you got a procedure wrong (procedures have random chance of failing based on the difficulty and skill of the medic), the casulty would probably die even quicker......
If we had the animators, it would have worked alot better than the current OFP system, even with having to "roll dice" for some parts of it....
Anyway this is all irrelevant. That system wont be done, i've lost contact with our scripter anyway for about the last month (since i closed my mod and started working as an addon team instead).
So penguinman has my total blessing. Go for it mate, yours is the nearest we will get before OFP2 to some sort of realistic wound system.....