Nah, that's just one I made for laughs. I'm never really going to release it, because it belongs to my 'afterburner in a motorcycle script' -category
I can give you the scripts here and now though..
gamelogics named as below
airplane named as plane1
trigger with 80x80 radius activated by anybody present and repeatedly named as killzone.
condition: this
on activation: {[_x] exec "poison.sqs"} forEach thislist
_gls = [plane1gl1,plane1gl2,plane1gl3,plane1gl4]
_counter = -1
_move = plane1gl1
_counter = _counter +1
?_counter == 4: _counter = 0
_move = _gls select _counter
plane1 flyinheight 70
plane1 move getpos _move
   ?!alive plane1: killzone setpos [0,0,0]; exit
   ?plane1 distance player < 500: goto "pre2"
   ?plane1 distance _move < 200: goto "reset"
   goto "loop1"
plane1 flyinheight 30
   ?!alive plane1: killzone setpos [0,0,0]; exit
   ?plane1 distance player > 500: goto "reset"
?plane1 distance player < 150: [plane1,[0,0,0],5,"green"] exec "smokescreen.sqs"
plane1 move getpos player
killzone setpos [getpos plane1 select 0, getpos plane1 select 1, 0]
   goto "loop2"
plane1 move getpos _move
goto "pre1"
smokescreen.sqsoriginal version by MI_Fred
_obj = _this select 0
_ocoords = _this select 1
_ox = _ocoords select 0
_oy = _ocoords select 1
_oz = _ocoords select 2
_lt = _this select 2
_color = _this select 3
_r = 0
_g = 0
_b = 0
? _color == "red" : _r = 1; _g = 0; _b = 0
? _color == "green" : _r = 0.6; _g = 1; _b = 0.3
? _color == "blue" : _r = 0; _g = 0; _b = 1
? _color == "yellow" : _r = 1; _g = 1; _b = 0
? _color == "purple" : _r = 1; _g = 0.5; _b = 1
? _color == "white" : _r = 1; _g = 1; _b = 1
? _color == "black" : _r = 0; _g = 0; _b = 0
? _color == "grey" : _r = 0.5; _g = 0.5; _b = 0.5
_nrb = false
_rb = 0.9
_lts = (0.8 * _lt)
_ltm = (0.6 * _lt)
_lte = (0.4 * _lt)
_delay = 0.05
_erad = 30
_vx = 0
_vy = 0
_vz = 0
? (_lt < _lts) : _vx = 0 - (random 1.5) + (random 1.5*2); _vy = 0 - (random 1.5) + (random 1.5*2); _vz = (random 1)
? (_lt < _ltm) && (_erad > 0): _erad = _erad - _delay
? (_lt < _lte) : _delay = _delay + 0.01
drop ["cl_water", "", "Billboard", 150, 10, [_ox,_oy,_oz], [_vx,_vy,_vz], 1, 1.62, 1, _rb, [0.1,8,20,40,_erad], [[_r,_g,_b,0.8], [_r,_g,_b,0.4], [_r,_g,_b,0.1], [_r,_g,_b,0]], [0,1,0,1,0,1], 0.1, 0.5, "", "", _obj]
? (_rb < 0.1) : _nrb = false
? (_rb > 0.9) : _nrb = true
? (_lt < _lts) && (_lt > _lte) && (! _nrb) : _rb = _rb + 0.01
? (_lt < _lts) && (_lt > _lte) && (_nrb) : _rb = _rb - 0.01
_lt = _lt - _delay
? _lt > 0 : goto "track"
poison.sqssix oggs with coughing sound named as below
_Unit = _this select 0
?_Unit in poisonunits: exit
?!local _Unit: exit
?!canstand _Unit: exit
poisonunits = poisonunits + [_Unit]
?(local _unit) && (_unit == player): hint "You feel trouble breathing and taste blood in your mouth. This is it. Poison!!"
_screams = ["cough1","cough2","cough3","cough4","cough5","cough6"]
_Unit setdammage ((getdammage _Unit)+0.03)
?!canstand _Unit: poisonunits = poisonunits - [_Unit]; exit
?!(alive _Unit): poisonunits = poisonunits - [_Unit]; exit
_rand = random (count _screams)
_Unit say (_screams select (_rand - (_rand mod 1)))
goto "slowkill"
Don't ask for help if you can't make it work
[img removed]vastapallo.jpg[/img]