After a long time of changing and checking, I've now decided to ask what's wrong.
I've gotten rid of all titletext commands for my intro. I've got my sound "File1" in the sound folder. My .ext doc looks like this for File1
class File1
      // Name to display in mission editor
      name = "File1";
      // Sound path, volume, pitch
      sound[] = {\sound\File1.ogg, db + 0, 1.0};
      titles[] =
0, $STRM_File1
Now my stringtable looks like this:
STRM_File1,"All units get ready, the target is approaching.",police talk
But when I preview it in the intro part, I get the sound but only this much text...
All units get ready
Now I want the whole thing up. I tried no "" marks in my stringtable and that didn't work. I suspected the comma and removing that too did nothing.
Help appreciated.
EDIT: well I went and downloaded a .ext/stringtable wizard and when it spit out my stuff. The finished .csv was EXACTLY the same or I've already tried that. Once again help is appreciated. Just this one thing and I can get my mission finished.