creates the effect i was asking for thx but i need sound aswell ....
You'll need to find such a sound yourself, and include it in your description.ext. Then you would play the sound each time you write a letter, via the "playsound" command. Actually, just like C0LDSt33L has in his script. Check out Bloodmixer's sound tut in the ed depot if you don't know how to put sounds in your mission.
u can change size and colors of text dunno how though
For that you will need either a dialog, or a cut resource. They are pretty similar to make I think, but dialogs can be interactive. In your case a dialog might be easiest, because you can't change the text of a cut resource (so you would need to make one resource for each letter in the word).
There is a dialog tut by vectorboson in the ed depot. I don't know of any cutrsc tutorials. Once you figure out how to make dialogs, I'll send you a simple script I wrote for them that makes a typewriter effect.