Who or what is scalar bool string 0xfcffffef?
I've wrote this script
_grps = _this select 0
_c = count _grps
_allunits = []
_grpcount = 0
_b = 0
_grp = _grps select _grpcount
_u = units _grp
_man = _u select _b
_allunits = _allunits + [_man]
_b =_b + 1
?_b < count _u : goto "L"
?_grpcount < _c : _grpcount = _grpcount + 1;goto "Repeat"
hint format ["%1",_allunits]
I need it to get all the units from the groups in an exec array.
At the end all units are put in the _allunits array
I run it like this :
[ [grp1,grp2] ] exec "script.sqs"
When I debug I have 13 men in the _allunits array...
Should be 12 cos I run it with 2 groups, 6 men each.
The 13th man in the array is mister scalar bool string 0xfcffffef
Who the hell is that?
...or what's wrong with the script?