AhAhAh! Hey, guys, this topic is rather a Software Principles discussion than editing discussion.
Indeed, all users have right to pronounce themselves towards the changes that have been done and the problems that might be acquired from those modifications. And we ARE aware of that. v1.075 is still two or three months away from release and we still have to deal with MP and compatibility issues.
From now on, I recomend every mission maker to check for ECP by verifying the variable ECP_path. I asure you that this variable is so special that it won't be changed in further versions.
Regarding old mission compliance, well, sure we can have a script to detect ingame settings modifications:
Check the nullity of each old ECP var: {if ([ x ] call (ECP_Resources select 0)) then {<CODE>}} forEach [ list of the "names" of the old variables ]
However, some missions check for ECP before changing the settings - in this case, there's nothing we can do except declaring each of the old variables: so, what's the choice? FX overriden or CTD on load?
Indeed, it's a pity, but these changes were made to prevent one of the most serious bugs and, thus, may not be compatible with old mission settings.
Note: for those missions that use the bools "ECP_initialised" and similar, we can easily make a script to declare temporarily those vars and then destroy them. Otherwise, :-\