Actually I am bloody furious. ECP, for all its great strengths, is capable of totally screwing up my mission. (Weather routines and explosions in particular.) I have spent a great deal of time digging into ECP to see how it works, fixing the variables, testing and so on, and now you tell me I have to do it all again!
If you want to create a new, better ECP using a different architecture that's great, I'm all in favour. But it is YOUR job to include in that architecture the appropriate routines to keep old missions working. All I've done is set variables LIKE YOU TOLD ME TO DO so fixing the architecture shouldn't be too difficult.
So yes, I mind a great deal about changing a few lines of script:-
a) on principle
b) its not just changing a few lines ... I have to understand the new ECP (which you already understand), revise my understanding of the old ECP (which you can probably remember), figure out how they relate to each other (which you already know) and then invent a new fix, test it, then release a whole new version of my mission. It's a big mission and obviously for a release version everthing has to be tested (in case the change have introduced a bug) which takes a long time. Its hard to predict but I would guess I'm looking at 25-50 hours of work.
Backwards compatability is an axiom of good software design.
ECP is great, I don't want to tell people not to use it. I like using it myself on this mission. It has lots of wonderful effects which really improve the atmosphere, which is an important element of the mission. That is why I went to so much trouble to make it work with ECP. You guys have done such a fantastic job in creating it it would be a dreadful, dreadful shame to piss it away like this.