Passing more than one object onto a script will result in
passing an ARRAY to the script.
Suma (one of BIS lead programmers) one day said that:
arrays are only limited to cpu memory, it sounds to be
open range, depending on available resources.
As my pc is f**ed up at the mo, i can't do anything to test this
out myself, but i can suggest you to try it out yourself.
Just create an array from a loop and pass the result onto
a script. Count the content of the passed array in the script
and see if it's correct.
_max_count = 255
_count = 0
_array = []
_array = _array + _count
_count = _count + 1
?(_count < _max_count): goto "loop"
_array exec "scriptB.sqs"
_array = _this
_number = 0
_number = count _array
hint format ["%1",_number]
Now all you need to do to check out the number of allowed
segments to be passed to a script is:
change the numeric variable _max_count to the number
you want to test
~S~ CD