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Author Topic: How do Delta SF operate??  (Read 1528 times)

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Cpt. Red Nain

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How do Delta SF operate??
« on: 01 Oct 2004, 18:04:20 »
Hi there, i wuz asking myself a few questions about how Special Forces, especially members of the Delta Force, operate in the US Army... Being part of the French Armee de Terre, i don't want to mix up US and French ways of operating.

To be more precise, i'd like to know what weapons (rifles and side-arms), tactics and ROE were used.
I mean, if anyone has been part of the Delta (woah??!!), or is particulaly fond of this branch of the US Armed Forces (understandable...), please gimme advice :)

Thx for any answers (even excuses for not knowing  :P)

PS: i'm not sure this is the correct place to start this topic...  ??? So please be kind to redirect it if it needs to  ;D
« Last Edit: 01 Oct 2004, 18:19:05 by Cne. Red Nain »


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Re:How do Delta SF operate??
« Reply #1 on: 05 Oct 2004, 10:29:30 »
I know a bit about Delta Force, so I can help you out a little.

It was formed in the seventies as a counter-terrorism taskforce, independent of the rest of the military (hence the name 1st Special Operations Detachment - Delta), although they do work closely with them, as well as the FBI, CIA, Secret Service, NSA, etc.

They take on all kinds of missions - bodyguard, intelligence gathering, recon, undercover work, hostage rescue, basically missions from all walks of the military.  Delta Force has the hardest selection process in the world, and operators are constantly being trained intensely when not on active duty.

Delta Force is made up of of three operating squadrons  - also known as Sabre Squadrons (A, B, and C) which are composed of smaller units of troops, each specialising in a certain skill (HALO, mountaineering, etc.).  Four-man teams are usually the go, and they can form with other teams to form a section.

Their first full operation was a complete disaster mainly due to poor interaction between Delta and the other military components of that particular mission, and as a result the US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) was formed to manage the co-operation of different special forces of the United States.  Apparently Delta has been assigned to a new command since September 11 2001, known as Task Force 11.  I don't know much about that though.

Some weapons used by Delta Force:
  • Colt M4 Commando is commonly used
  • M16A2
  • CAR-15 - sort of a variant of the M4
  • HK MP5 submachine gun and MP5SD (integrated silencer)
  • M249 SAW (light machine gun)
  • Browning M2 (heavy machine gun)
  • Remington 870 combat shotty
  • HK PSG sniper rifle
  • M24 sniper rifle
  • Barett M82A1 .50 cal heavy sniper rifle
  • M203 detachable underslung grenade launcher
  • M79 grenade launcher
  • Car Gustav
  • LAW
  • AT-4
  • Beretta 92F handgun


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Re:How do Delta SF operate??
« Reply #2 on: 06 Oct 2004, 03:32:14 »
According to my data files:  

The most secretive of all units.
Delta force; counter terrorist unit abroad, along with Dev-Gru.  CQB and been known to conduct intelligence gathering operations, security detail, drug interdiction(interdiction: 1. To cut or destroy (a line of communication) by firepower so as to halt an enemy's advance.), and behind enemy line missions.  Their main role has been known to take part in apprehension missions of either kidnap or hostage rescue nature and furthermore security missions until that hostage is back on U.S. soil.  In the gulf war they took part in behind the lines operations to identify scud missile launch positions.

Rangers are equivalent to the ATF, the Delta Force is equivalent to the FBI yet probably more concentrated into each soldier rather than a team of different individuals to do different things.  
« Last Edit: 07 Oct 2004, 21:51:53 by BronzeEagle »

Cpt. Red Nain

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Re:How do Delta SF operate??
« Reply #3 on: 14 Oct 2004, 01:04:56 »
Thx alot m8s, that info could become useful, as im trying to do make a DF mission (basically recon or sniping..).
Thx Matthew for the weapon list :)



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Re:How do Delta SF operate??
« Reply #4 on: 14 Oct 2004, 05:06:46 »
Remember, high profile hostage rescue or kidnapping and you can't go wrong.  

Cpt. Red Nain

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Re:How do Delta SF operate??
« Reply #5 on: 15 Oct 2004, 21:05:41 »
ok i get it... thx again


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Re:How do Delta SF operate??
« Reply #6 on: 16 Oct 2004, 22:01:15 »
The 1SFOD-D tactics, CQC/room asualt diagram:

Not sure it will help but this is how they attack a 'Tango' room.

The light green dot is the person who throws the flashbang inside the room after the door is opened (or blown). He is the first to enter, he moves to the far corner (might be the opposite far, can't remember).
Simutaniously (at the same time) the man, or dot, with the blue trail comes in. then the men with the purple and red trails move into the room, again simutaniously.

This tactic is used to disoreintate and confuse the tangos. Spliting their consentration, they become easy targets for the last two men that come in (mostly unnoticed).

Try this stratagy when you play Rainbow 6 again, you'll love it! ;D

Cpt. Red Nain

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Re:How do Delta SF operate??
« Reply #7 on: 16 Oct 2004, 23:34:58 »
@ Sophion-Black

Thx, i'm also a great fan of R6, Rogue Spear, etc. etc. If only i could get 1€ for each tango i pierced with my FMJ bullets using this CQB tactic, i'd be rich, with a big R-I-C-H  ;D ;D ;D

BUt thx again for da reply

EDIT: yeah i always use FMJ bullets, even if R6 units aren't conventional armies (they don't have to follow the geneva convention), i prefere the FMJ to the JHP, for it pierces and so, sometimes, one bullet can take out 2 tangos. The only problem is to make sure no hostage is behind the target  :P... But u gives a damn about what i'm writing  ;D
« Last Edit: 16 Oct 2004, 23:37:49 by Cne. Red Nain »