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Author Topic: Risk style  (Read 1635 times)

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Risk style
« on: 29 Sep 2004, 18:28:37 »
I'm sure somebody here has played that boardgame Risk, right?  Think of that, where you can control the battles.  I think that would be awesome, though I'm not quite sure how it would be set up.

You would start out with a certain number of units, then, in turns, place them onto separate regions of the map until you're out.  Then the game starts.  You make turn-based attacks, but this part would switch to in-game fighting  ;D.

Like I said, I'm not sure how this could be concocted, maybe a lot of createvehicle and deletevehicle  ???.  

If anyone's got any ideas, I think this would be a great MP game, with the possibility of very long games  ;D.

Lean Bear

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Re:Risk style
« Reply #1 on: 29 Sep 2004, 18:59:36 »
Hey. Its a great idea about having the game switch from (what I'm guessing you're thinking about) an RTS style view to down in First person.

The RTS bit has been done already. Called RTS-3 by KaRRiLLioN (I think ;)). Which has been going for ages. Although versions that use mods like SEBNam and FDF have been released.


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Re:Risk style
« Reply #2 on: 29 Sep 2004, 22:30:21 »
I've played the RTS and CTI games before, but what I'm thinking is something a little different, and kind of turn-based.

If you've seen the Risk board, it's a map of the world, and the continents are broken down into regions.  If you own all the regions in a continent, for example, you get bonus units and such.

I pictured using the map (it's possible to force that on screen right?) to make the moves, then switch to an in game battle using the units present in the attacking and defending regions.

You'd have to maybe use markers or something to move units around though, because you might have more units than you can command in the region.  But travel time should give defenders a chance to set up, and attackers time to come up with a decent scheme.

This, unlike RTS and CTI, would have a lot of focused battles, rather than 20 people going wherever they please on a humongous island.  More strategy would be needed for this, and more action would be the result  ;D.

This probably won't get anywhere unless someone picks it up, because the scripting needed is out of my league :P.  But, I know I'd play it  ;D.

Offline Artak

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Re:Risk style
« Reply #3 on: 29 Sep 2004, 23:47:11 »

 [size=2.5]I LIKE IT A LOT!!![/size]

I'm thinking about red and blue square markers on on both sides of nogova.. Changing color as the other side captures the areas.. Gaining bonus units..

OMG! This could be the MP mission of the year!
Not all is lost.

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Re:Risk style
« Reply #4 on: 30 Sep 2004, 01:34:50 »
Two players, one on each side.  (Or three, obviously.)    Maybe also an umpire.    Perhaps the players are placed on outlying islands so they can't interfere with the fighting directly.    Chain of Command command engine.    Spectator scripts.    Turns enforced by temporary disableUserInput?

Chess with loons.

Or, have human players command each squad.    Or, all AI except special forces squads and aircraft.

With all these scripts and triggers its going to lag like crazy so small island and go easy on the addons.

Plenty of reviewed ArmA missions for you to play


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Re:Risk style
« Reply #5 on: 30 Sep 2004, 11:27:18 »
And to make player not to make another war in other sectors, just the planned one, it would need one of few possibilities:

1. No fire zone outside the planned sector
    Needs processor and network ressources, moderate difficulty to make, most realistic

2. Death penalty zone outside the planned sector
    Needs processor and network ressources, easy to make, not realistic

3. Units only created inside the planned sectors, so to say nobody to kill outside the sector
    No need for big ressources, easiest to make, not realistic

Lean Bear

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Re:Risk style
« Reply #6 on: 30 Sep 2004, 17:24:25 »
In the board game the battle were determined by a dice throw (usually more than one) and I presume this mission isn't gonna use dice, right? Its all going to be about tactics and the type of troops?

Is there a way to make more sides as well as the existing ones? Cause there must be something a config somewhere about sides. Or is that another limitation of the OFP engine?

I know there's the basic defines used:-

#define TEast 0
#define TWest 1
#define TGuerrila 2

but isn't there something that says East doesn't like West therefore they attack them when spotted (unless told other wise)?


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Re:Risk style
« Reply #7 on: 30 Sep 2004, 17:42:55 »
Maybe this could be something more like the board game Diplomacy rather than Risk, this is cuz Risk is more based on chance, and when u start winning, u keep winning! With Diplomacy it would be really cool starting with a fixed amount of units and then going in to actually fight, maybe if u could have 4 or 5 teams aswell it would be a dream come true for me ;D

Offline General Barron

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Re:Risk style
« Reply #8 on: 30 Sep 2004, 17:54:13 »
Nice idea. Actually, I had just started making a mission similar to this a few weeks ago. Well, my idea was a little different, and looks like this:

Basically, it would be a campaign that consists of a loop of two missions. First, you would have a strategic planning mission, where the map is divided into squares, and you decide where you want to move your units. A 'unit' would be a platoon of 3 groups.

After that, you would go through a series of tactical battles; a separate mission for each area of the map where enemy and friendly platoons are occupying. At each battle, there would first be a setup phase, where you place your units (either on the border of the zone if you are attacking, or anywhere inside if you are defending). Then you would press a button, and the RTS style commanding would begin.

After that full cycle, then it would be the other side's turn, and they would have the same cycle as above.

This type of game wouldn't really work in MP, because, well, turn-based strategy (TBS) just doesn't work well in real-time. The way I've laid things out, it would seem like it would have to be single-player vs the AI. Not true. I was thinking play-by-email would work well. Basically, you both have the same campaign file. You take your turn, and when you fight the other guy's units, well the AI will have to fight for him. Then you email the save file to your buddy, and he takes his turn. Passwords could be set up to keep everybody honest.

If you really wanted to get complicated, you could have play by email for the strategic phases, but then for MP, there would be a separate MP map. When there is a battle, a little string of code would pop up, which you would copy and paste into the MP map and it would set up your units and the zone for you. Then you play the battle, get a new string to copy for the results, and paste it back into the campaign. But this would require structuring the turns quite differently than the first idea, and so I decided to go for the first route (play by email; AI acts for the other player).

Anyway, I actually fleshed things out with lots more detail in terms of game-play, but that is the general idea.
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