I've tested the properties of an "EmptyDetector" and I think the dimensions are 0 by 0
When I use counttype, countside, countenemy, countfriendly it always returns 0.
But you can return the position of the trigger. so the trigger is created...as Hater_kint said before
It's a pity it has no dimensions, even if it was just default, it could be very useful sometimes :-\
When I create a trigger on top of a unit and return the array its always empty. []. It should return the unit no?
Because there is no ACTIVATION?
However you can use the array returned by the trigger (list triggerName, or just thislist in the trigger itself) to fake an second, smaller trigger be checking the distance between each member of the array and the trigger
What do you mean by that?
I have no members in my array...