Well Im not getting that error anymore, but I'm respawning where I die instead of either at the base for ground troops or airbase for pilots.
I'm not sure what to put for the description.ext file. I've tried variations. If I put a marker for "respawn_west" and put "respawn=base" in the .ext file, then I will respawn where the marker is instead of how I want it where the pilots respawn at the airbase, and the ground troops at the main base.
If YOU were going to make this happen, how would you accomplish it easily? I have 2 pilots at the airbase named p1 and p2. I have a game logic there named "airbase" and a trigger set for west activation, repeatedly, and "p1 Setpos (Getpos airbase)" in the act field and the same set up for p2. I have 6 ground troops at the other base named s1 through s6.
Thanks for the help guys..