well seeeing as how 26 people read the topic before me and waSN'T ABLE TO ANSWER and i am, i probably read it wrong or something, so ofrgive me. but just incase here is what i think.
Put a EMPTY pak40 arttilery gun somewhere around the map and name it something. I'll call it AGUN1.
Put 2 german oinfantry soldiers on the map and name them also. i'll name them Dieter and Adolf.
on the init field of dieter put:
Dieter moveingunner GUN1
and on the init field of Adolf put:
Adolf moveincommander Gun1
if the commander doesn't work try moveindriver or moveincargo.
Movein moves instantly moves a unit inside a vehicle so the two nazis will be conrolling the cannnon when the mission begins. i hope this helps.
Oh yeah... *Syntax not guaranteed* (*wink,wink,macguba*)