Cheers for that, will get onto it. Just one more thing : I was looking at this bit of the script,
_cam camsetpos [(getpos _at4 select 0) + sin (getdir _at4 + 5) * 20, (getpos _at4 select 1) + cos (getdir _at4 + 5) * 20, 1]
_cam camsettarget _at4
_cam camcommit 0
setacctime 0.05
_now = (time + 2)
@ (_at4 distance ftruck < 50) or (time > _now)
setacctime 1
And was interested in this bit:
@ (_at4 distance ftruck < 50) or (time > _now)
setacctime 1
Does that just look to see that when the missile is about 50m away frm the target ftruck it will move setacctime to 1. So cud that code be used to set up the spin around the abrams:
So the script cud look like this:
player switchcamera "internal"
_cam camsettarget atguy
_cam camcommit 5
_cam camsetfov 0.1
_cam camcommit 3
atguy dofire
atguy dofire
tank_cam camsetpos [(getpos atguy select 0) - 5, (getpos atguy select 1) - 2, 1]
_cam camsettarget atguy
_cam camsetfov 0.7
_cam camcommit 0
atguy dofire
atguy dofire
tank(leader group atguy) say "rus10"
(leader group atguy) setcombatmode "yellow"
setacctime 0.25
_now = (time + 7)
atguy dofire
tank? (atguy ammo "AT4Launcher" == 1) and (alive atguy) and (time < _now): goto "OLatguyloop"
_at4 = (nearestobject [atguy,"AT4"])
setacctime 0.05
_cam camsetpos [(getpos _at4 select 0) + sin (getdir _at4 + 5) * 20, (getpos _at4 select 1) + cos (getdir _at4 + 5) * 20, 1]
_cam camsettarget _at4
_cam camcommit 0
setacctime 0.05
_now = (time + 2)
@ (_at4 distance
tank < 50) or (time > _now)
Then add the spin around the tanki = 0.03
_c4 camsetpos [(getpos tank select 0) + (sin ((_i*1000)+ 120) * 10), (getpos tank select 1) + (cos ((_i*1000)+ 120) * 10), (0.5 + (_i*5))]
_c4 camcommit 0.1
_i = _i + 0.02
setacctime (0.03 + (_i/2))
? _i < 0.24: goto "matrixloop"
Now obviously bits wud have to be changed but cud that be done?