I am trying to get some music to be played as a sound. I have the stringtable and description.ext files set up, and have a command line in a script that says: _this say "song". the script is activated in the init line of a radio object: this exec "RadioINTRO.sqs"
here is the description.ext commands:
class CfgMusic
class music
name = "Stupify";
sound[] = {\Music\Stupify.ogg,db+30, 1.0};
class CfgSounds
class song
name = "Russian Radio (I Stand Alone)";
sound[] = {"\sounds\StandAlone.ogg",db+30, 1.0};
titles[] = {0, $STRM_song};
I have the ogg file StandAlone in the sounds folder. I also have STRM_song in the stringtable file.
During the intro, I recieve no error message (other than the incomplete trigger that ends the intro). The two guesses I have are that by the time the camera gets to the radio site, the sound is over, however, in the script that controls the radio song, I have it looped continuously. My second guess is that the error lies with the description.ext file.
I hope I have provided enough information for others to provide some answers to my question/problem.