Some coding theory:
Pseudo-random number generators need a starting point/number - a seed,
from which all subsequent numbers are derrived.
This seed is usually the current time in seconds (since 1970 for posix systems). Hence, each time you start the program/whatever you'll get a new seed, with a new set of pseudo-random numbers.
I.e.; seed 892345 gives numbers 9235,10,8902698264,2395,395...
seed 892346 gives numbers 123894,2350235,1035,3050211... etc
(These are just examples)
However, you may use the same seed every time, which will give you the same random numbers each time you run the program (as long as you provide the exact same arguments, in the exact same sequence, to random())
This allows you to get "replayable" random numbers.
Back to OPF:
I have no clue how OPF uses this randomSeed, seeing how it is probably
only being changed when you save the mission, yet we get different random numbers for each time we play a mission, without modifying missiom.sqm. (Waypoint/trigger radiuses, random timeouts, etc, etc)