_object = _this select 0
_amount = _this select 1
_size = _this select 2
_life = _this select 3
_startalt = _this select 4
_velocity = _this select 5
_zvelocity = _this select 6
_mercytimer = _this select 7
_delay = 0.01
fogoff = 0
_count = 0
?(fogoff == 1): goto "exit"
_dir = random 360
_vx = _velocity * sin _dir
_vy = _velocity * cos _dir
_sizerand = _size + 1
drop ["cl_basic", "", "Billboard", 1, _life, [0,0,_startalt], [_vx,_vy,_zvelocity], 1, 1.275, 1, 0, [_size + _sizerand], [[2,2,2,0.1]], [0], 0, 0, "", "",_object ]
_count = _count +1
?(_count == _amount): goto "timer"
goto "Begin"
goto "loop"
_object : Name of the game logic that the fog originates from
_amount : Amount of particles created per cycle
_size : Size of each particle
_life : Life (Seconds) of each particle
_startalt : Starting height of each particle
_velocity : Horizontal speed of each particle
_zvelocity : Upwards velocity of each particle
_mercytimer : Time between particle creation cycles