I've seen a few threads around about something like this, generally using scripts. All you do is make a simple script which you put in the player's Init field like this -
[playername] exec "bodyArmour.sqs"and which works kind of like this -
_player = _this select 0
_startDamage=getDammage _player
_endDamage=getDammage _player
_startDamage=(_startDamage + _endDamage) / 2
_player setDammage _startDammage
goto "loop"This script will check the player's damage every 0.1 of a second and if a change is detected then the difference is simply halved. In other words, all new damage is halved.
One point to note - this script works for damage but not for kills, so if your character is killed then he will stay killed. This is kind of right - armour will tend to make light wounds less nasty, but the clean head shot is still going to kill ya !
Good luck with it !