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Author Topic: Would you flame me if....?  (Read 4433 times)

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Offline ryankaplan

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Would you flame me if....?
« on: 09 Aug 2004, 15:43:37 »
if i made a co-op mission where you play a couple of alkaida men and do your terrorist thing? here is a mission i have thought of at the same time i'm writing this.

5 alkaida operattives, armed with satchel charges and so on have to blow up a busy civilian city. at any time in the game they can blow themselves up jsut so they can take a few americans with them if they have no hope of surviving. (will do this by add action and creating a satchel charge right at their feet) and then americams land and they have to escape or something.

there are alot of games out there which you play as the bad guys, like gta for example. it's a great game as it makes a change to playing the americans and saving the world.

so anyway, i know there are alot of american nationalist out there who know nothing but america and how great it is, and i'm not saying it's not. it's quite a nice country with teh majority of the people quite friendly, although i can't say i like their present politians.

it may not be about alkaida against america neither. it could be chechen rebels against russia.

so what is your response?

1 )  F*** off you ***king terrorist!
2 )  I'm gonna report your ass to the CIA!
3 )  I wouldn't do it if i was you.
4 )  Just don't do it. it's bad....
5 )  It's ok if it's against russia. not if it's against USA.
5 )  It's ok if it's against USA. not if it's against Russia.
5 )  understandable but i wouldn't play it
6 )  i'd treat it just like any mission
7 )  Why the hell not? it's only a game.
8 )  Great idea
9 )  YES! bloody awsome idea. I' hate americans/russians anyway.
10)I am an actual terrorist so it's fine by me.

« Last Edit: 09 Aug 2004, 15:44:24 by ryankaplan »

Offline dmakatra

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Re:Would you flame me if....?
« Reply #1 on: 09 Aug 2004, 15:54:30 »
10)I am an actual terrorist so it's fine by me.

 ;D ;D ;D

I don't see why it shouldn't be against america. I would recommend America since it got a strong police and a big military so it would be excitin. Although, like any other missions, I would base it on either Everon, Malden or Nogova, which are independant states. Man, those islands and Kolgujev sure has seen a lot of action. ;D
I ABSOLUTLEY recommend you making the terrorist NONE Al Quaida, as that is sensetive. Why not make em just a fiction faction (heh, funny ;D ) like most other terrorists in other missions?

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat:


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Re:Would you flame me if....?
« Reply #2 on: 09 Aug 2004, 15:56:32 »
3 I guess, you can do it but its just one of those things. Like I wouldn't do a Blackwater mission a month or two ago cause ppl are dying over there. Same here... I suppose.

I'm from america and if you do the mission, make it about gameplay, not sides or the ideas behind them. Don't spatter the notes with "americans are dumb, blow them up now", just keep it about the gameplay and you won't get flamed badly if at all. I would play it.

, although i can't say i like their present politians.

Niether do I... ::) ;D

The russia chechnya thing would be alright to. You'd have to have someone from that region say something too you though, I wouldn't know how they feel about it. :P

EDIT: read armsty's post, I like naming the Al Qeuida something else.

Fatty's Terrorism Pyramid.... :P :D ;D

I wonder if the CIA is watchin thi....
*gets muffled and blindfolded and dragged kicking from the room*

« Last Edit: 09 Aug 2004, 15:59:22 by GuiltyRoachKillar »

Offline ryankaplan

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Re:Would you flame me if....?
« Reply #3 on: 09 Aug 2004, 16:04:40 »
guilty? you there? damn. well at least i'm safe from fbi in englan....
*hears a crack downstairs. goes to check it, only to get his face blown of by a shotgun*

Offline dmakatra

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Re:Would you flame me if....?
« Reply #4 on: 09 Aug 2004, 16:09:28 »
You are being hunted by the FBI and CIA? Hah! Losers! I got the hardest chasers! OFPEC Administrators are after me. I think they're on me. I better not leave any trails. Shhh! I can hear 'em!!

EDIT BY ADMIN: HELLO?! Has anyone seen Armsty around here? No? Dammit! :hmm:

Great! They left... Puh! Now I can... OH NO! IT'S A TRAP! RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN FOR YOUR LI...!!!

:beat: *Gets Gone* :beat:


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Re:Would you flame me if....?
« Reply #5 on: 09 Aug 2004, 16:17:04 »
Off topic now....  ::) ;D

Offline ryankaplan

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Re:Would you flame me if....?
« Reply #6 on: 09 Aug 2004, 16:30:43 »
anyway. let's turn back to the topic. anyone else want to comment?

Offline sim

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Re:Would you flame me if....?
« Reply #7 on: 09 Aug 2004, 17:50:22 »

I think it's a good idea, but the only things I would change is the terrorist groups name, come up with your own one, don't use Alkaida because some people may find this offensive or upsetting...  :-\

I think you should do it against Russia aswell seeing as the original game is against Russia and then it wouldn't be as much as a touchy subject, if you know what I mean.  :)

« Last Edit: 09 Aug 2004, 17:51:37 by sim »
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Peter haroski

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Re:Would you flame me if....?
« Reply #8 on: 09 Aug 2004, 19:11:00 »
Well, great idea ;D, and who cares if do one mission, where you blow a town? Well, maybe its not VERY great mission idea, but I have heard much worse...
and in art everything is  ::) well, free to do.


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Re:Would you flame me if....?
« Reply #9 on: 09 Aug 2004, 23:50:28 »
Yeah, do it..
And ignore the people that flame you..
People will always find something to complain about, it's human nature :P

If it's a fun mission, it shouldn't matter what you do.. But somepeople seem to think so

Anyway, gtg, can't type more
- Ben


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Re:Would you flame me if....?
« Reply #10 on: 10 Aug 2004, 01:30:19 »
Howdy all,
     I wouldn't flame you (actually, I would support you), but take my advice and be careful what you release. I made a map called "1979," in which the player leads a US-backed mujahideen squad against the Soviets during the Soviet-Afghan War. Some people tend to forget about our support of the Taliban then.  Anyways, did I get flamed, yes. And yes, a lot of nasty emails...just look at what one person wrote in the comments section at flashpoint arena:  :'(


Hence, when I made the sequel, I just made it a Soviet/fantasy map to keep the comments at a minimum. Sigh, I could rant on for hours, but I won't.  ::)


ps For those who wish to try the updated "1979" mission, get it at Avon's MOM archives.  ;)

« Last Edit: 10 Aug 2004, 01:34:01 by Kùé†érâ„¢ »

Offline dmakatra

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Re:Would you flame me if....?
« Reply #11 on: 10 Aug 2004, 16:52:58 »
I totally agree with you and the true story have to come out to people (especially some boneheads who never wanan belive anything but their dreams ;D ) but as I said in another post some months ago, politics and games should not be mixed. There are other means in getting your wisdom out.

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat:

Matt Walter

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Re:Would you flame me if....?
« Reply #12 on: 11 Aug 2004, 00:41:47 »
Hey I got a twist on this mission. The U.S. is the bombers. Hehe.

Anyway, how about someone bombs the French. Many people would love to do that... not saying *I* am one of them.

Offline dmakatra

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Re:Would you flame me if....?
« Reply #13 on: 11 Aug 2004, 10:38:38 »
Or bomb Sweden - the most neutral place in the whole world. :P

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat:


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Re:Would you flame me if....?
« Reply #14 on: 11 Aug 2004, 17:07:26 »
I totally agree i think it would be a cool mission because it is only like playin russians versus americans in the cold war campaign, let people moan it's only a game as long as the mission is good i wont complain, looking forward to it

Offline Roni

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Re:Would you flame me if....?
« Reply #15 on: 12 Aug 2004, 04:27:38 »
Yeah, funny isn't it - killing "ragheads" or Commies is okay but killing Americans isn't ?   >:(  :P  Reminds me of the old days of Wolfenstein 3D - people had no problems with killing Nazi's, but shooting their dogs was considered cruel and obscene !  ???

I've always liked the old formula - 1 dead American is worth about 10 dead Europeans, 100 dead Asians, 1,000 dead Middle Easterners or 10,000 dead Africans.  Check out the news tonight - I'll bet there'll be a story about 3 dead in some car crash in Pennsylvania, but a boat capsizing in the Phillippines killing 75 won't even rate a mention.

I know that we shouldn't get too political so I'll end my rant now.  :-X

Suffice to say that I don't think that there should be any problem with a mission in which you played "the other side".  To help keep down the flames I agree with the others that for your own sake you should probably name your terroist group al Bundy, al Akazam, al I Qator or something similar.

Nothing like a bit of humour to lighten up the reality of what we're simulating !   :D


PS - As a native born Californian now resident in Australia I'm not saying that we should care less about American deaths, just more about deaths in the rest of the world !

Offline DarkAngel

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Re:Would you flame me if....?
« Reply #16 on: 12 Aug 2004, 16:17:39 »
Hey Ryan, I don't think there's any problem with playing against US or NATO forces (although I do get annoyed with the Russian-side missions which lots of people do with the rather unimaginative "capitalist pigs" spiel). Not too sure about blowing up civilians though. Apart from anything else, I'm not sure how the gameplay would be. What about a military depot? Or a political centre?  

I'd totally agree with everyone who's pointed out that OFP is just a game - but there might be things that just aren't fun to do. Like getting back to work, for example, which I really ought to do...
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Offline Pathy

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Re:Would you flame me if....?
« Reply #17 on: 12 Aug 2004, 17:21:52 »
I wouldnt flame you.

Its nice and topical. Just make sure you do your research and get everything perfect.....so you can express the true reasons why these people are committing whatever act they are going to commit, rather than the Western propaganda version of thier reasons......

....this will probably incense those who are going to flame you even more and they will probably brand you an al-queda sypathiser, but those people are the ones that only hear thier own propaganda (like Kuet said, some people dont like the truth and cant accept it even if it did actually happen) and are going to flame you regardless unless you play to thier stereotypes.......

....so go for it.  :)

Matt Walter

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Re:Would you flame me if....?
« Reply #18 on: 18 Aug 2004, 22:43:20 »
As someone said before, the game, "Grand Theft Auto" is about being the bad guy and doing bad things. They are things you would never do in real life, but that is what makes it fun.

I think you should keep kill the civilians because it also shows the horror of what the terrorist do. They are there to spread terror, not just to kill Americans.

Also, you should make you political preference neutral because if you have the "Moore" view that the terrorist are just like the American revolutionaries, I could see a lot of gamers quit out of anger. And if you get to dramatic about it, a bunch of people are going to not play at all and just send text messages about how bad or how good Bush is. Keep out of the politics, it can make a fun mission bad.

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Re:Would you flame me if....?
« Reply #19 on: 18 Aug 2004, 23:40:20 »
no1 gonna flame ya... its only a game ;) (if ny1 does flame ya tell me... ill go n bust som caps ;) ;D)

this is ur mision and ur settin so u can do watever u want.... if u got misions were americans fight iraqis, afghans, nam ppl or watever u goota have other side misions.... ppl dat r upset cuz of it shudnt play dis misions till dey get ovet da idae of not takin everythin seriusly and dat deres oder sides dat thing somin else ;) ;D

u dont have 2 get nythin perfect or make a fake group name or watever.. i think da mision reviewer is suposed 2 play ur mision nd judge it by wat it is not by da name of da group u play (nd remember dat in RL somtaams da most provocative tings get da most ratin ;) ;D)

y da hell im sayin all dat ?... just go and make dat mision... ill beta test it if u put it in da beta forums ;) ;D

"guess being the community has downsides .." - cheetah
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Re:Would you flame me if....?
« Reply #20 on: 24 Aug 2004, 05:31:50 »
why not try something...different?
After the 1972 olympic attacks in Munich, the Isrealis made a special commando unit. I think they were called the mossad. they were Isreali military, but went into foreign countries, hunted down, and killed suspected terrorists. EVen so, they used terrorist tactics. You can play as a commando (looking like a terrorist) and explode some middle eastern shanty town. :P


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Re:Would you flame me if....?
« Reply #21 on: 24 Aug 2004, 16:08:26 »
@ Hustla

Mossad is the secret service of Israel and not a commando unit, although it's true it's agents carried out assasinations of prominent terrorists.

Offline dmakatra

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Re:Would you flame me if....?
« Reply #22 on: 24 Aug 2004, 16:14:45 »
r0k, while you're here you can answer the quesiton.

As a mission reviwers point of view, how would you judge a mission like this?

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat:

Offline Pathy

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Re:Would you flame me if....?
« Reply #23 on: 24 Aug 2004, 16:50:44 »
On its overview, plan, depth of plot & storyline, scripting, gameplay, and cutscenes, like every other mission.  I severly doubt OFPEC mission reviewers would mark something down because they don't agree with it politically.....OFPEC staff are far too professional for that  ;D
« Last Edit: 24 Aug 2004, 16:51:49 by Pathy »

Peter haroski

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Re:Would you flame me if....?
« Reply #24 on: 27 Aug 2004, 15:18:32 »
YEAH! BOMB SWEDEN! Sorry, had to say that.