It's hard to tell what the parameters are for an inside shot of M113 without testing it in OFP.
But I can give it a try...
It depends what inside shot you want...
Do you want a shot for the soldiers in cargo, or the driver, gunner position?
Do you want a sideshot or one taken from the from the rear or back?
Or even a diagonal shot?
Anyway...Lets say you want a cargocam, camera is positioned in front of the soldiers in cargo and pointed to the rear.
First You need to know where the centerpoint is of M113.
I guess it's somewhere behind the gunner.
Aware the centerpoint is not always exactly in the middle, I'v noticed for boats it's a bit to the right side.
The first parameter is the name of your camera, in most cases _camera
Then the name of you M113 : lets say APC1
Then the offsets of your "camposlogic" or the logic that's created for the position of the camera.
The camposlogic is a name I invented :-)
With offset I mean :
- Direction of the camera relative to the vehicle
- Distance measured from the centerpoint of the vehicle
- Heigt of the camera
1 - direction
Taken from the tutorial : 0 is in front of the vehicle, 180 is to the rear, 90 is right, -90 is left. And all the possible directions between offcourse.
2 - Distance
Let me explain it in another way...
Imagine there is a invisible pole in the middle of your vehicle with an attached cord on it with on the end the gamelogic.
The lenght of that imaginary cord is the distance.
3 - Height
Height of the camera, should be obvious
So for our M113, this could be :
The camera is positioned 20cm in front the centerpoint of the vehicle, 2 meters high.
Now we need a second gamelogic, the "camtargetlogic" (also a word I invented)
In logiccam the camera is not directely pointed to the vehicle, but always directly to the camtargetlogic, with the result of camera showing parts of the vehicle
So... the camera should look to the rear : direction is 180
Distance of the camtargetlogic (agian measured from the centerpoint of the vehicle) is not that important, but don't make it to far,sometimes it causes a swaying effect.
Lets say 3 meters.
The height is the same as the height of the camposlogic: 2m
So the parameters could be :
[_camera,APC1,[0,0.2,2],APC1,[180,3,2],0.7]] exec "logiccam.sqs"
The last paramter is the zoomfactor,(CAMSETFOV) 0.7 is default. If you wanna make a closeup, adjust that number.
These paramters could be completely wrong, like I said I'm telling you this without testing it in OFP, but I hope you got the point.
Also, I'm using the name of the vehicle twice.
I did that so you are able to place the camposlogic on the roof of a car following the a soldier patroling along the street. (just one example)
Take a look at this :
First place a jeep on the map and name it "jeep", then place a soldier not to far away from the jeep and name him "soldier".
[_camera,jeep,[0,0.73,1.2],soldier,[0,0,1.8],0.7] exec "logiccam.sqs"
With this code the camera is positioned on the hood of jeep, following the soldier.
Lets take a closer look to this part :
The direction of the camposlogic is 0, aswell as the distance.
The direction is not important here because the distance is 0 anyways, the camposlogic is always positioned at the centerpoint of the soldier.
When you use 1m in front of the soldier the camera will sway unpredictable when the soldier changes his direction.
These parameters do exactly the same because the distance is always 0.
The height is height of the soldier, about 1.8m
My camera is showing the ground? why?
It's possible when the camposlogic and camtargetlogic is at exact the same position.
Like this : [_camera,APC1,[0,2,2],APC1,[0,2,2],0.7]] exec "logiccam.sqs"
Ok, I hope you understand this, it very technical stuff and hard to explain in English.
I will give you parameters for an inside M113 shot tommorow, It will take 5 min, I'm pretty fast with finding the right parameters.