Hey there I'm makin a script and I'm not the best scriptor in the world so I need some help.
The start of this script deals with a group so I'm also confused on this too. Should I put
_group = _this select 0
_group = group this
then my other variables and names....
_enemypos = _this select 1
_Eamount = _this select 2
_Famount = _this select 3
Anyways need an explanation on the group part.
Now when my group from above gets to the "safe" area I want to heal every group member. How can I do that?
I'm using "_group group setdammage 0" and I'm not quite sure if it will work. :-\
Now the math syntax thing. Again I'm not sure how I'm gonna test this so I'm askin if I'm doin it right from the get go.
_Famount CountFriendly _Flist
_Eamount CountEnemy _Elist
_i = _Elist+5
_Elist > _Flist+_i goto "leave"
Now Elist is enemy list and Flist is friendly list. And if the enemy has 5 more men than the friendlies than the script goes to leave...
Will that work? And should I make it a random number picking instead? :-\
Finally what's the check going to look like, if I have
_group domove getpos marker1
I want to find out when they get there to iniate the rest part and then move them to the next marker. :-\
thanks in advance