If you are gonna add the weapons to a lot of units, use this code..
_unit = this select 0
_weap = this select 1
_mag = this select 2
removeAllWeapons _unit
_unit addmagazine _mag
_unit addmagazine _mag
_unit addmagazine _mag
_unit addmagazine _mag
_unit addmagazine _mag
_unit addweapon _weap
Then save it (Using notepad,
Make sure the file type box it "All Files (*.*)", not "Text file (*.txt)")
Into Op Flashpoint Folder/Users/username/Mission Name/
Call it addweap.sqs
Then, to use it, in a units INIT field ::
[this,C8XM4_sd,c8xm4sdmag] exec "addweap.sqs"
You can change the bits in the [ ]'s to anything..
Say you want to give M16s to the units, you can use
[this,m16,m16mag] exec "addweap.sqs"
I might make a better version of this, that checks if there is any magazines to be added, if not, it skips the bit where it adds magazines, say if you want to add grenades to the units..
And maybe you can select how many magazines to add (A loop, that loops how ever many times, adding 1 mag each time)
If anyones interested..
- Ben