having more and more problems, with no obvious (to me....) solutions, today.
I am trying to use the script snYpir posted on OFPEC for landing, unloading, loading and getting out of AI choppers.
What happens is, I used the script befrore, without having the chopper take off after i get in, but when I add the code to the waypoint (aP in helo and in On Activation: var_cancel_landing) I get an error message.
Did I do something wrong here? Am I missing something?
At first I thought it was because I needd to change the units in the choppper's names, inside the script, but that sent me to main OFP menu.
Then I thought that the script called for more/less than the # of units of crew inside the chopper, then realized every chopper had the same amout...
ANY Help is appreciated.
(i just really want this mission to work)
again (today),AnarCHy
P.S. Maybe someone can give me a better one, that works right the first time?