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Author Topic: Simple queries - Minimum config, editing main config, implementing addons  (Read 1156 times)

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Offline Roni

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Hello All

I am still new to config editing and had a few related queries about the above topics.  Essentially, all of my queries can be summarised by one example, detailed below.

First - can I change the resuts of an existing Class by way of an addon config ?  In other words, if I wanted to change the recoil of all Riffles (sp?) then could I simply change the config Recoils entry for Riffle ?  I'm thinking that the answer is no (I'd have to define a new Riffle recoil class and make new weapons or alternatively throw away the existing master config file and replace it with another BIN) but I'd like to be wrong here !   :D

Second - I keep seeing all of these "defines" at the start of each addon config.  Are they absolutely necessary ?  I'm no C++ programmer but I'm thinking that the answer is no - if I don't use that definition then I don't need to define it, at least in that addon.

While I'm on the subject - is the Config Patches definition necessary ?  I have only created one addon so far (mostly by copying (and crediting !)someone else's config) and it didn't work until I added this back to the file.  I assume that it IS necessary, that being so is there any standards that should apply here (such as name of the patch, avoiding conflicts with other patches etc) ?

Finally, what does it take to make an addon work ?  The one new addon that I made and mentioned above was simply two new weapons - a Canteen item and an MRE item.  Because of the problems I had getting it to work I also made up a new unit to carry them (a Civilian Supplies carrier).

The question is - do you need to define a new unit to make your addon usable (ie allow players to start with Canteens as an Addweapon item) ?  If you do, do you need to have at least one of those units in your mission to make them available ?

Taken all together, I really just want to know the answer to one question - can I create an addon which consists of just one thing - a change to the default Rifle recoil settings (say).  And if I can, would it be sufficient to make it work by simply putting it in my Addons folder, or do I need to activate it or something in some way ?

This is either a very simple or very fundamental query, or possibly both !  ;D

Thanks in advance !


Offline oyman

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First - can I change the resuts of an existing Class by way of an addon config ?  In other words, if I wanted to change the recoil of all Riffles (sp?) then could I simply change the config Recoils entry for Riffle ?  I'm thinking that the answer is no (I'd have to define a new Riffle recoil class and make new weapons or alternatively throw away the existing master config file and replace it with another BIN) but I'd like to be wrong here !  

you have to go into the main config.bin and modify the recoils
Second - I keep seeing all of these "defines" at the start of each addon config.  Are they absolutely necessary ?  I'm no C++ programmer but I'm thinking that the answer is no - if I don't use that definition then I don't need to define it, at least in that addon.
what do you mean by that, do you mean like defining the engine sound
While I'm on the subject - is the Config Patches definition necessary ?  I have only created one addon so far (mostly by copying (and crediting !)someone else's config) and it didn't work until I added this back to the file.  I assume that it IS necessary, that being so is there any standards that should apply here (such as name of the patch, avoiding conflicts with other patches etc) ?
cfg patches is necessary for your addon, it tells ofp what version you need to run that addon, and other important stuff, without it you get no addon
Finally, what does it take to make an addon work ?  The one new addon that I made and mentioned above was simply two new weapons - a Canteen item and an MRE item.  Because of the problems I had getting it to work I also made up a new unit to carry them (a Civilian Supplies carrier).
The question is - do you need to define a new unit to make your addon usable (ie allow players to start with Canteens as an Addweapon item) ?  If you do, do you need to have at least one of those units in your mission to make them available ?
i dont know   ::)
« Last Edit: 25 Jul 2004, 16:51:34 by oyman »

Offline Roni

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1 - Thanks, thought so.    :-\   :'(

2 - No, mean all the "basic defines" or whatever that look something like this -

//      Define sides
#define TEast 0
#define TWest 1
#define TGuerrila 2
#define TCivilian 3
#define TSideUnknown 4
#define TEnemy 5
#define TFriendly 6
#define TLogic 7

//      Define booleans
#define true 1
#define false 0

//      Define scopes
#define private 0
#define protected 1
#define public 2

It looks to me as if all this does is give you a shorthand way of saying these things in your patch.  So if I wanted to say that this unit its just like an existing unit except that it's an East unit, then I could say

side = TEast

or, thanks to my definition above

side = 0

which the computer will interpret to mean the same thing.

This is no big query, I was just still trying to work out what is strictly necessary to put in my patches.

3 - Thanks again.  I thought so again.

4 - I suppose the only way to know this is through trial and error.  :-\

Thanks for the help !    ;D


Offline oyman

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1 - Thanks, thought so.    :-\   :'(

2 - No, mean all the "basic defines" or whatever that look something like this -

//      Define sides
#define TEast 0
#define TWest 1
#define TGuerrila 2
#define TCivilian 3
#define TSideUnknown 4
#define TEnemy 5
#define TFriendly 6
#define TLogic 7

//      Define booleans
#define true 1
#define false 0

//      Define scopes
#define private 0
#define protected 1
#define public 2

It looks to me as if all this does is give you a shorthand way of saying these things in your patch.  So if I wanted to say that this unit its just like an existing unit except that it's an East unit, then I could say

side = TEast

or, thanks to my definition above

side = 0

which the computer will interpret to mean the same thing.

This is no big query, I was just still trying to work out what is strictly necessary to put in my patches.

o those things, you dont need but i just put them there if i forget which side is which and all that other stuff

Offline Roni

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So I suppose that I could therefor say something like -

//      Define sides
#define TEast Commie_Pinko
#define TWest Capitalist_Pig
#define TGuerrila Gorilla
#define TCivilian Soft_Target
#define TSideUnknown Bogie
#define TEnemy Mister_Bad_Man
#define TFriendly Care_Bear
#define TLogic Mr_Spock

this should work, no ?  :o  ;D  I know, I know - consistency, compatibility with other patches etc.

Maybe that's how the LegoWarz mod came about, eh ?  :D

« Last Edit: 27 Jul 2004, 01:44:24 by Roni »