Wow, I wonder how this old thread got dug up
I already let BigCheese know how to get a consistent CTD with no error message or anything.
"at the moment we just have to alt-f4 it every time in the previews"
What would the Alt-F4 combination do, except quiting the game? Can you tell us what's this non-sense?... And how can crashing your computer produce such an effect?
What she is saying is that they want to make a cutscene where at one point, the game completely closes and exits in one fell swoop. It would look similar to what it looks like when you press alt-f4 (the program just closes). The only way to do this is to crash OFP, but the desire is to not have any error messages displayed after the program crashes, like "error, memory out of range" or something.
I know I'm not the only one who has ever made ofp CTD like this. One very simple way to do it is to run this line of script:
unit action["USER TYPE"]
I don't know what all this hysteria is about a CTD "damaging your computer". Haven't you ever had a program crash before? Like IE or something? Has it ever damaged your computer? I've crashed my OFP many, many times, and never have I damaged my computer because of it.