Wg1 playmove "FXStandDip"
wg2 playmove "FXstanddip"
wg3 playmove "fxstanddip"
wg4 playmove "fxstanddip"
Wg5 playmove "FXStandDip"
wg6 playmove "FXstanddip"
wg7 playmove "fxstanddip"
wg8 playmove "fxstanddip"
? endscript : exit
goto "loop"
Alright, I am using this script to have a group of Spetnatz do continually do pushups untill an alarm goes off, then in the alarm trigger I have Endscript = true.
50% of the time they will not stop, most of the time they will finnish the last set and get up.
Otherwise they keep doing pushups, even if I start shooting at them, does anyone know why this would happen?
Thank you.