class EventHandlers
init = "[_this,""M16"",""M16""] exec ""\TACTEvents\onPlayerInit.sqs""";
hit = "if (player == _this select 0) then {_this call TACTfuncHit}";
killed = "if (player == _this select 0) then {_this exec ""\TACTEvents\onPlayerDeathBlack.sqs""}";
fired = "if (TACTWeaponFXinit) then {_this call TACTfuncFiredEH}; _this exec ""\nmod_effects\backblast.sqs""";
Should work...
The cpp (c++) code is a bit different from the regular OFP sqs/sqf...
Why would you want to convert the cpp to bin...? There's no need to...
And the cpp to bin converter (what you are prolly using ??) is veeery picky what it converts and what it doesn't...