i have read snypr's function howto and have to say great work!
THANKS for this.
So here is my question:
I wrote 2 functions for a MP Mission, the first called "Add_Vehicle.sqf" adds Vehicle takes a parameter ["typ", position] and create a Vehicle of "typ" at "position". It returns an array: ["typ", position, object].
The second function is called "Del_Vehicle.sqf". It takes an array like "Add_Vehicle.sqf" - ["typ", position, object]. This function returns an array ["typ", position].
Both functions are working. The Problem is that I call them from a script called "respawn_vehicle.sqs" and it only works if I put an timer in front of the loop where I call any of these functions.
[..., ] call function;
goto "loop"
Why I have to put that timer???
I tryed a little bit and it works only if i put that timer!
But now when the mission start it hangs for a second (guess thats timers fault) and then the vehicles were created.
I have set the timer to 0.000000001 that worked too and it hangs not so much...
Do anybody know why or did I do something wrong?
mfg EXS